學生健康教育短片(Traditional Chinese Only)
與人相處:貪玩惹的禍    情緒與壓力管理:Sam哥唔易做


我們都是好朋友    Fit Fit健康小偵探


蔬菜城的市民向來身體健康,最近接連有古怪事情發生,於是Fit Fit偵探同助手一起展開調查……
選擇小食我要識    「智」醒健康新世代


Parents Video
How to Stay with Children during the Pandemic
How to Resolve Conflicts
Temper Management
Chapter to Guide Learning
How to Start Routines
Turning “Fighting against Pandemic” into “Developing Resilience”
Healthy Use of Electronic Screen Products    Stress Management
#Health Tip of “20-20”
#Computer Games and Child Development
#Internet Addiction
   #The Key to Connecting Conflicts
#Stress Response
#Relaxation Exercise
Healthy Use of Electronic Screen Products    Stress Management
Preparation for Results Release    School Life Adaptation
#Identifying Signs of Stress in Your Children (Chinese Version only)
#Helping Your Children to Cope with Stress (Chinese Version only)
   #Tips for Back-to-School
#Learning Skills
#Parent-Child Relationship
Preparation for Results Release    School Life Adaptation
Resilience    Parenting
#Nurture Resilience in Children
#Encourage Independence
#Encourage Perseverance
   #Effective Communication Techniques
#How to deal with failure, frustration
#Count the blessings daily
Resilience    Parenting
Teenage Dating    Money Management
#Discussion before Dating
#Dealing with Sexual Request
#Emotional Disturbance after Break-up
   #Teaching Your Children about Money Management
#Reminders on Giving Children Pocket Money

Teenage Dating    Money Management