Academic performance issue

Students should understand and accept their own abilities, strengths, interest and limitation. They should have reasonable expectations and demands on themselves. The preconditions for learning are proactive and positive attitude, effective learning skills and good daily habits.

Below are some learning skills to enhance your academic performance:

  • Use of time - Proper time allocation and control will increase learning efficiency

  • Improve your concentration – Quiet environment, adequate sleep and rest, well balanced diet and regular exercise are good for both health and concentration

  • Preparation before a class - Read over the text once in advance so that you get an idea of the content and key points. It will then be easier to follow in class, to answer the teacher’s questions or raise your own questions

  • Attending a lesson - Be brave in asking and answering questions. This will develop your skills in thinking and expression, let you know to what extent you have grasped the key points of the lesson and help you to remember

  • Taking notes - Jotting down the key points during the lesson not only helps you concentrate but also enables you to look up relevant supplementary materials

  • Doing homework - Try to finish all your homework and learn from the correct answers after teacher’s comments, in order to lay a good foundation

  • Revision - After-class revision can help you consolidate what you have learned. If you find something that you do not understand during your revision, you can ask your teacher, or discuss with your schoolmates in study groups. Furthermore, By drawing diagrams, repeating the content or giving yourself a test, you will be able to know if you have grasped the outline, key points and the application of the subject

  • Make good use of memory skills
    • First find out the meaning, logic, process, sequence and causality of the contents, then reorganise to give yourself a thorough understanding
    • List the key points by means of diagrams and flow charts. Use your imagination to visualise the contents of the text with pictures and graphics to consolidate your memory

  • Share your thoughts and feelings with family, teachers and friends so that they can understand, support and help you

Student Health Service
Department of Health
June 2020