Attention issue

Individuals with attention issues tend to have difficulty in sustaining attention, and are easily distracted by the surroundings. Attention span is also short, making it difficult to stay focus on one task.

In academic performance, they may perform worse than other same age students because attention may not be sustained long enough for learning in class or finishing homework. Besides, others will find them to be less able to focus on words being spoken to, and to struggle to follow instructions.

If you have issue with attention, you may consider the following advice:

  • Do not set too many goals at one time, and get started with goals which are easier to be achieved

  • Break goals into smaller and manageable parts, and prioritise according to their importance. Use measurable criteria to help reviewing progress and performance

  • Share and discuss your goals and plans with your family, teachers and friends, and invite them for opinions. In your discussion, try to look for your strengths and appreciate what are good about yourself

  • Arrange short breaks and leisure activities while working hard on your goals. You can drink water, eat your favourite snacks, watch television, listen to music, participate in physical fitness activities

  • Arrange a quiet environment and keep away from distractions. For example: turn off the television / computer, stay away from smart phones, reduce unnecessary items from the table

  • Use cue cards to remind the correct steps to finish a task. This can help you to stay focus on each step

  • Maintain a regular daily routine and get enough sleep to help improve concentration

  • Share your thoughts and feelings with family, teachers and friends so that they can understand, support and help you

Student Health Service
Department of Health
June 2020