Emotional problem

Mental health is an integral part of the whole person. A healthy mind helps us face challenges, solve problems, achieve goals and enjoy life more. A person with a healthy mind is also less vulnerable to certain health problems and has a longer lifespan.

A local survey showed that about 80% of the respondents aged between 18 and 64 in Hong Kong experienced some degrees of psychological distress symptoms in their past 30 days. It is very common for most of us to face mental health challenges at some point in our life so no one can disregard it.

If you have issue with emotional problem, you may consider the following advice:

  • Find out the specific factors that contribute to your emotional problem. Learn to accept the things you cannot change but take necessary actions to tackle problems when you could

  • Get you negative emotions under control by learning positive coping techniques

  • Persist in doing pleasurable activities
    • Help distract yourself from worrying thoughts and improve your energy level
    • You may begin with some simple activities, for example: taking a warm shower, enjoying your favorite drink, singing or listening to music

  • Record mood lifting activities
    • If you cannot think of doing anything enjoyable, you may rate your pleasant feelings before and after daily activities to create yourself a list of pleasurable activities
    • Choose some activities from the list. Try to do them and you will find that your mood and energy level will begin to lift

  • Read inspirational stories
    • When you are stuck in a difficult situation, you need food for your mind that comes as touching and motivational stories
    • They can give you insights, perspectives, and make you feel better
    • You can learn something from each story, such as how to deal with challenges and adjust to changes

  • Talk to someone (for example: parents, teachers, friends) you trust about your feelings, so that they can understand, support and help you

Student Health Service
Department of Health
June 2020