Impulse control issue

Individuals with impulse control issues may experience impulsivity during conversation / action, and may become impatient in queueing or waiting for their turn. They may also interrupt others’ speaking, answer before the question is finished, or speak at inappropriate times.

If you have issue with impulse control, you may consider the following advice:

  • Follow the 3 Don’t Principles at all times: Don’t hurt yourself, Don’t hurt others, Don’t damage objects

  • Learn self-control strategies to inhibit impulses and to delay the need for immediate gratification
    • Deep breath
    • Drink water
    • Wash your face in washroom
    • Countdown from 10
    • Look for your favourite food and drink. Try to enjoy every small bites and sips
    • Leave where you are
    • Take a short walk

  • Calm down, observe, and think through your course of actions beforehand
    • Try to understand the reasons for doing the action, instead of the ways of performing the action only
    • When thinking through your course of actions, try to imagine the current situation as if you are a third party spectator (for example: family, teachers and friends). Try to imagine at a different time, in a different environment and with a different behaviour, to notice how differently the situation can become

  • Carefully weigh the pros and cons of your behaviour and the possible consequences that it may bring before you take action

  • Use cue cards to remind yourself the suitable ways to calm down

  • Try not to interrupt when others are speaking, and stay focus when listening. Learning social skills can help your interactions with others

  • Share your thoughts and feelings with family, teachers and friends regularly so that they can understand, support and help you

Student Health Service
Department of Health
June 2020