Stress Response

Stress events/threats -> Trigger physiological response -> The body is prepared to fight or flight

When the stress event triggers our autonomic nervous system:
Physiological responses include:
  • Pounding heart
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightened muscles
  • Pupil enlarges
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating
  • Digestion / immune system slows down

Emotional and behavioral responses include:
When you are scared, you may procrastinate, avoid, or even escape.
When you are angry, you may yell, scold, or even attack others.

These physical, emotional and behavioural automatic responses are a warning sign that we need to stop and relax.

When the stress accumulate and the body is not relaxed for a long time, various problems will occur.
Body: shoulder and neck pain, dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation
Emotion: low mood, loss of motivation, or become impulsive
Behavior: If we do not face the problem, the problem will not be solved, or it will deteriorate.

Try to relax when you are under stress
  • Gradually increase your sensitivity to the body so as to increase your awareness when you are under stress.
  • Stop and breathe to reduce automatic behavioral responses
  • Calm down and clear your mind to make a wise response

Relaxation exercises: muscle relaxation, abdominal breathing, body scanning exercises