Self-harm issue

Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. Self-harm is a way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress which is caused by social or psychological issue.

If you have issue with self-harm, you may consider the following advice:

  • Stop using negative ways

    Stop using self-harm to ventilate feelings or release the pain and tension you feel inside. No matter how lonely or worthless you may be feeling right now, there are many other more effective ways to solve the underlying issue. Do not let negative emotion drive you to hurt yourself

  • Do stress-relieving activities

    Learn positive coping techniques such as doing physical exercise or listening to calming music. Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Do not drink alcohol

  • Seek help

    It is important to share your inner distress to adults you trust, such as family and teachers. Disclose your self-harm thought bravely so that they can support and help you appropriately

    Seek help from social workers or health care professionals when necessary. Call 999 for help in case of emergency

Student Health Service
Department of Health
June 2020