Diet and Nutrition


Food nutrients include carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. The body needs to obtain appropriate amount of vitamins from food in order to maintain normal functions of cells and organs, and to promote growth and development. Any deficiency or overdose of vitamins could have adverse side effects.

Functions and Categories

  • Vitamins have various functions that help to regulate metabolism, to prevent chronic diseases (such as heart disease and cancer), and to maintain normal appetite, mental health and immunity. Basically vitamins can be classified into two categories:

    (1) Fat-soluble vitamins
    * Include vitamins A, D, E and K. They can dissolve in fats and be absorbed along with fats in the diet
    * Excess fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and will not be eliminated from the body
    (2) Water-soluble vitamins
    * Include vitamins B and C. They can dissolve in water
    * Excess water-soluble vitamins are excreted through urine

  • The amount of vitamins in food is affected by the ways in which food is stored or cooked. Vitamins A and C and some vitamins B can be destroyed under strong light, so food rich in those vitamins should be stored in dim places or in the fridge. Vitamin C and some vitamins B are soluble in water and can be destroyed under heat. Therefore, we should avoid soaking the food in water or cooking the food for too long.
Vitamin Function(s) Food sources Health effect(s) of deficiency Health effect(s) of overdose
Vitamin A
Help in production of photo-sensitive substance (rhodopsin) in retina, which is important for night vision
Promote growth and development
Maintain healthy skin, mucous membrane and normal function of immune system
Fish liver oil
Oily fish e.g. salmon, mackerel
Egg yolk
Foods containing carotenoids e.g. carrot, spinach, broccoli, papaya, tomatoes, sweet potatoes
* β-carotene (one kind of carotenoids) can transform into vitamin A in the body
Night blindness, dry eyes
Epithelial tissue keratinization
Retard growth
Impair immune function
Dry skin
Hair loss
Liver damage
Vitamin D
Help body absorb calcium and phosphorus, so as to maintain bone growth
Maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus in blood
Maintain normal function of immune system
Egg yolk
Fish liver oil
Oily fish e.g. salmon, mackerel
Skins produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight
Children: rickets
Adults: osteomalacia
High calcium levels in blood and urine which increase the risk of calcification of soft tissue
Vitamin E
Act as antioxidant which protects cell membrane from oxidative damage
Maintain normal function of immune system
Plant oil e.g. corn oil, sunflower oil
Nut e.g. almonds
Seed e.g. sunflower seeds
Dark green vegetables e.g. spinach, broccoli
Premature infants: haemolytic anaemia
High dosage of Vitamin E may antagonize the effect of Vitamin K and lead to difficulty in blood clotting
Vitamin K
Help blood clotting and prevent excessive bleeding
Participate in bone metabolism
Dark green vegetables e.g. spinach, broccoli
Soya beans
Excessive bleeding may occur due to difficulty in blood clotting
Help produce cells and red blood cells
Spinach, broccoli
Kidney beans
Orange, papaya
Megaloblastic anaemia
Long term use of high dosage of folate can affect zinc absorption
Masking undiagnosed Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B1
Participate in carbohydrate metabolism and enables the body to get energy from foods
Maintain normal function of nervous system
Fish e.g. tuna
Beans e.g. black beans
Brown rice
Wernicke encephalopathy
Korsakoff’s psychosis
Vitamin B2
Participate in protein and fat metabolism
Maintain the health of mucus membranes, skin, eyes and nervous system
Help produce coenzymes which assist in energy production
Spinach, broccoli
Nut e.g. almond
Angular stomatitis
Vitamin B3
Participate in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
Help produce coenzymes which assist in energy production
Brown rice
Whole wheat bread
Seed e.g. sunflower seed, pumpkin seed
Vitamin B6
Participate in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
Help produce heme
Help in nerve impulse transmission
Maintain normal function of immune system
Nut e.g. hazelnuts
Weakened immune system
Peripheral neuropathy
Vitamin B12
Help produce red blood cells
Maintain healthy nervous system
Help in protein metabolism
Megaloblastic anaemia
Vitamin C
Help produce collagen and maintain the health of blood vessels, connective tissue and cartilage
Help the absorption of non-heme iron
Act as antioxidant
Maintain normal function of immune system
Citrus fruits e.g. mandarin orange, orange, grapefruit, lemon
Kiwi fruit
Green pepper
Scurvy (gum bleeding, tooth loss, fatigue, bone pain, etc.)

Should we take vitamin supplements?

There are various kinds of vitamin supplements available in the market. Should we take these "tonics" to maintain good health?

We should maintain a balanced diet and should not be a picky eater. Eating according to the “Healthy Eating Food Pyramid” can provide the necessary vitamins to stay healthy.

If you need to have diet control because of any illnesses, you should consult a doctor or dietitian. Never take any vitamin pill or supplement on your own.

(Revised in June 2022)

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