Sex Education
Your future is in your hand
How pregnancy occurs
- From puberty onwards, girls start ovulation with eggs released from ovaries monthly
- During sexual intercourse, semen which contains massive sperms is ejaculated into vagina via penis
- If sexual intercourse takes place around the time of ovulation, one of the sperms fertilizes the egg in the fallopian tube
- The fertilized egg implants itself onto the lining of the womb and develops into a fetus
- Fetus continues to grow in the womb for 37-40 weeks, it is finally expulsed outside mother’s womb by its rhythmic contraction coupled with dilatation of cervix, and a baby is born
Menstruation happens when the egg is not fertilized, followed by the shedding of the lining of womb.
Sexuality and youth
- During adolescence, many physical and psychological changes take place. Reproduction organs become mature, and teenagers become interested in opposite gender and fall in love easily. However, teenagers are not mature enough to cope with the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood.
Teenagers engaged in premarital sex should be aware of its consequences, which include:
(1) Unwanted pregnancy resulting in the birth of an unwanted child. This may * affect academic achievement and work capability * lead to social pressure * end up in single-parent family due to unstable relationship * affect the psychological and social development of the child * lead to behavioural problem in the child because of lack of appropriate care (2) Termination of unwanted pregnancy by abortion. This may * cause deep emotional problems, unhappiness and regret * harm physical and psychological health * lead to complications e.g. pelvic infection, perforation of uterus, infertility (3) Contracting diseases such as* sexually transmitted diseases e.g. gonorrhoea, herpes, syphilis which may cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs, leading to infertility or even affect the next generation * AIDS which destroys the body's defence system, resulting in death * hepatitis B which may lead to cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure and liver cancer - Building healthy interpersonal relationship is one of the developmental tasks for teenagers. Good interpersonal relationships build on effective communication skills, including refusal skill such as turning down sexual demand.
- Don't take chances. Any unsafe sex exposes you to the possibility of getting AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. Make sure you are ready to accept the responsibilities and take necessary precautions before having sexual intercourse.
- Contraceptive methods are used for family planning, not for encouraging premarital sex or promiscuity.
- All contraceptive methods do not provide 100% protection, particularly when they are not properly used. You should seek advice from health professionals on the different methods, their side effects and usage. Even if you successfully avoid pregnancy, sexual promiscuity can still lead to contracting AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis B, etc.
- If you suspect that you have become infected or pregnant, seek advice immediately from your parents, social workers or health professionals.
- Obtain sex education from proper channels, e.g. The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
Tips for avoiding unwanted pregnancy
- Join more group activities instead of staying together with a member of opposite gender
- Stay away from alcohol
- Absolutely no drug abuse
- Don't be afraid to turn down sexual demand
- Don't take chances. Think carefully before you act. Making wrong decision for once is enough to wreck your future
- Discuss with your family and listen to their advice
- Consider the serious consequences of sexual intercourse and be ready to accept responsibilities of your act
- If necessary, seek advice from health professionals. Choose an effective contraceptive method and use it properly according to instructions
(Revised in June 2022)