Healthy Use of internet and Electronic Screen Products?

General Situation of Use of Internet & Electronic Screen Products among Hong Kong Students and the World Health Organization’s Suggestion on ‘Gaming Disorder’

Department of Health

8 February 2018

Main Points of this Presentation:

  • Surveys on “The Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products” in 2014 & 2017
  • Health Assessment Questionnaires (HAQ) Analysis
  • Proposed inclusion of “Gaming Disorder” in “International Classification of Diseases (ICD)”
  • Healthy Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products Webpage
  • Conclusion

Surveys on “The Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products”

Number of Respondents

Year 2014 2017
Primary school students 474 482
Parents of primary school students 79 80
Secondary school students 816 684
Parents of secondary school students 646 641
Total 2,015 1,887

Surveys on “The Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products”(Students)

Adverse effects of Internet and electronic screen products use Primary School Students Secondary School Students
2014 2017 Changes +/- 2014 2017 Changes +/-
Quarrel with parents 41.6% 53.1% +11.5% 62.7% 69.3% +6.6%
Give up outdoor activities 27.8% 32.6% +4.8% 41.7% 41.4% -0.3%
Deprive sleep time 25.5% 35.7% +10.2% 62.7% 67.0% +4.3%
Affect academic performance & results 32.9% 39.0% +6.1% 51.6% 43.3% -8.3%
Deceive parents, friends & teachers on time online 11.0% 16.5% +5.2% 23.8% 24.7% +0.9%

Primary School Students Secondary School Students
2014 2017 Changes +/- 2014 2017 Changes +/-
Spent more than 3 hours a day in average on Internet 3.2% 13.1% +9.9% 30.3% 33.9% +3.6%
Suspected oneself being addicted to Internet 7.6% 12.4% +4.8% 19.7% 19.0% -0.7%
Among those suspected themselves having addiction to Internet who had sought help 16.7% 10% -6.7% 8.1% 7.7% -0.4%

Surveys on “The Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products”(Parents)

Parents of Primary School Students Parents of Secondary School Students
2014 2017 Changes +/- 2014 2017 Changes +/-
Parents have quarrelled with their children due to use of Internet or electronic screen products 44.3% 77.5% +33.2% 66.7% 71.3 +4.6%
Parents think their children have spent excessive amount of time on Internet and affecting their daily living 26.6% 62.5% +35.9 47.4% 53.7% +6.3%
Parents think that they do not have enough information to empower children to avoid addiction to Internet 26.6% 28.8 +2.2% 33.6% 30.0% -3.6%
Parents are not confident to empower their children to avoid addiction to Internet 17.7% 16.3% -1.4% 23.2% 22.5% -0.7%

Main observation


  • Comparing to primary school students, a higher percentage of secondary school students had adverse effects in different aspects, close to 70% of them reported that they had “Quarrel with parents” and “Deprive sleep time”

  • A greater increase in percentage of primary school students with self-reported adverse effects of Internet and electronic screen products use as compared to their senior counterparts, “Quarrel with parents” (+11.5%) and “Deprive sleep time” (+10.2%) with double-digit increment from 2014 to 2017

  • There is an obvious trend of primary school students spending more time on the Internet. In 2014, only 3.2% of interviewees spent more than 3 hours a day on the Internet, it increased sharply to 13.1% in 2017, a fourfold increase

Main observation


  • Proportion of parents of primary school students considered their children spending too much time online and affecting their daily lives, showed a marked increase of 35.9%; from 26.6% in 2014 to 62.5% in 2017

  • Over 70% of parents of primary as well as secondary school students had quarrelled with their children due to the use of Internet and electronic screen products. A marked increase is noted in parents of primary school students, from 44.3% in 2014 to 77.5% in 2017, increased by 33.2%

Health Assessment Questionnaires (HAQ) Analysis

Primary School Students Secondary School Students
2015-16 2016-17 Changes +/- 2015-16 2016-17 Changes +/-
On a typical school day, how many hours a day on average do you spend on the Internet or electronic screen products for purposes not related to school work? ≥ 2 hours 25.7%(18,900) 30.0%(25,000) +4.3% 64.9% (41,900) 68.1% (42,100) +3.2%
During the past 7 days, on how many days did you do physical activities (i.e. any exercise and activity, including physical education lessons) for AT LEAST 60 minutes in total that made you breathe harder and your heartbeats faster than usual? All 7 days 8.9%(6,500) 8.0%(6,700) -0.9% 3.8%(2,500) 4.0%(2,500) +0.2%
The night before a typical school day, how many hours of sleep do you get? ≥ 8 hours 58.9%(43,300) 63.5%(52,900) +4.6% 21.1%(13,700) 22.7%(14,000) +1.6%

Main observation

  • Around 30% of primary school students and 68% of secondary school students reported they spent 2 hours or more on the Internet or electronic screen products for purposes not related to school work, which increased by 4.3% and 3.2% respectively from 2015-16 to 2016-17
  • Only around 8 % of primary school students and 4% of secondary school students had fulfilled WHO’s recommendations i.e. school-aged children (5-17 years) should accumulated at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily
  • Around 60% of primary school students and 20% of secondary students have 8 hours or more sleep time before a typical school day

Proposed Inclusion of “Gaming Disorder” in “International Classification of Diseases (ICA)”

World Health Organization is in the process to include “Gaming Disorder” in its 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which is scheduled for publication in mid-2018

World Health Organization “Gaming Disorder” Webpage:
Related Video:

What is "Gaming Disorder"?

  • Impaired control over gaming
  • Increasing priority given to gaming over other activities
  • Continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences
  • Significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning
  • Evident for at least 12 months

Healthy Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products Webpage

the following content included in the webpage:
  • Health Tips
  • Sm@rt e-Team
    (for Parents, Teachers, Primary School Students & Secondary School)
  • e-Report & Executive Summary
  • Health Tips Cartoons & Videos
  • Media Links


Various government bureaux and departments, NGOs, schools and other relevant institutes in Hong Kong have been providing different programmes and services to address the problem of excessive use of Internet in children and adolescents

In addition to the publication of The Report of the Advisory Group on Health Effects on Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products (e-Report) in 2014, the Department of Health (DH) has also set up a “Healthy Use of Internet and Electronic Screen Products” webpage to help students, parents and teachers to tackle this issue

The DH will continue to work with local partners (e.g. schools and NGOs) and interflow with International experts, to actively promulgate the information on healthy use of Internet. DH will also closely monitor the progress of World Health Organization’s latest update in the ICD and to act accordingly in a timely manner

Student Health Service, Department of Health